
Elka Gaensler went to Mount Scopus College in Melbourne. She holds a Master of Educational in Leadership, Policy and Change Management from Monash University, a Master of Learning Intervention from Melbourne University and a Master of Gifted Education from UNSW. Elka held the positions of Principal of Doncaster Jewish Day, Principal of the Primary School Masada College in Sydney, Head of Primary for Leibler Yavneh College. Currently, Elka holds the position of Head of Education Support and Extension in the senior school of an Independent Girls’ School. In addition to her educational roles, Elka has served on a number of communal organisations, including  Mt Scopus College Board, JCCV, SZC and more recently, Tzedek and the COSV Board as Director. She is an Ambassador for Unchain my Heart. She is the first woman to sit on the MBD Board, holding the position of Director and Secretary. Elka is married with 3 children and four grandchildren.

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